Apliro User Guide: Get Started with Our AI Tools

Apliro User

Explore Apliro's AI tools and learn how to use them effectively. Discover the steps for payment, downloading source code, running the code locally, and troubleshooting.

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Steps to Buy and Download AI Tools Source Code

1.) Sign up and log in to access our services.

2.) Visit the Top AI-Powered Tools for Business Professionals - Download Source Code page. Choose the tools you want to download the source code for and run in Google Colab or on your local machine for privacy purposes.

3.) Click on Buy Now! and you will be taken to the account section.

4.) Before clicking on Download Code, you must pay! the amount specified on your account screen for the chosen tools.

5.) Once the payment is completed, you will see a congratulatory notification for the source code download. Click on Download Code, and you will receive the AI tools source code as a zip file.

How to Run Tools from Downloaded Source Code

1. First, unzip the file that you have downloaded.

2. Now, follow the process detailed in the attached YouTube video above. After doing so, you should be able to run that specific tool on your local machine or Google Colab, as demonstrated in the video.

3. If you are unable to access the video, simply follow the instructions provided below. After that, you should be able to run the source code.

1. Installing Python:

For Windows:

  1. Direct the client to Python's official download page.
  2. Ask them to download the latest version of Python for Windows.
  3. Instruct them to run the installer.

    Important: Make sure they tick the checkbox that says "Add Python X.X to PATH" during installation. This step is crucial for running Python from the command prompt.

For macOS:

  1. Direct the client to Python's official download page for macOS.
  2. Ask them to download the latest version and follow the installation steps.

For Linux:

Most Linux distributions come with Python pre-installed. However, they might need to install pip:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-pip

2. Setting Up the Flask Application:

  1. Once Python is installed, direct the client to the folder where your Flask application is located.
  2. Provide them with a requirements.txt file that lists all the necessary packages for your application.

3. Installing Dependencies:

  1. Ask the client to open a command prompt (Windows) or terminal (macOS/Linux).
  2. Navigate to the Flask application directory. For example:
  3. cd path_to_directory
  4. Install the required packages using pip:
  5. pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Running the Flask Application:

  1. Once all dependencies are installed, instruct the client to run the Flask application. If your application's main file is app.py, they can run:
  2. python app.py
  3. The client should see a message indicating that the server is running. They can then access the application in their browser, usually at unless specified otherwise.

5. Troubleshooting:

Provide a short troubleshooting section covering common issues:

How to Resolve Errors Encountered While Running Apliro's AI Tools or During Payment Issues

First of all, I am very sorry that you encountered an error during purchasing, payment, or running Apliro's tools source code.

If you have a payment issue, such as having already paid but not being able to download the source code, or if the downloaded source code is corrupted or irrelevant, please send me an email at apliroai@gmail.com with your payment transaction ID and a screenshot of the payment. We will resolve your issue within 24 hours.

If you are facing an error while running Apliro's AI tools on your Google Colab or local machine, please send me an email at apliroai@gmail.com with a screenshot or text description of the error. We will resolve the error within 24 hours.

If you have any queries before ordering Apliro's AI-based tools, feel free to ask in the Account's "Contact Me Form" section or mail us at apliroai@gmail.com.

Thanks From Apliro.