What does the correlation matrix tell us about a portfolio of stocks?
The average return of the stocks
The risk-free rate of the portfolio
The correlation between any two stocks in the portfolio
The total value of the portfolio
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What is the correlation between a stock and itself?
It depends on the stock
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Where in the correlation matrix can you find the correlation of a stock with itself?
Along the diagonals
In the first row
In the last column
Randomly distributed throughout the matrix
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What is the relationship between the correlation of Stock A with Stock B and the correlation of Stock B with Stock A?
They are always opposites
They are always the same
They are unrelated
They are sometimes the same, sometimes different
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What is the first step in calculating portfolio variance?
Calculating the standard deviation of each stock
Assigning weights to each stock in the portfolio
Calculating the covariance between each pair of stocks
Determining the risk-free rate
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