What are the two main types of debt mentioned in the text?
Current and Non-Current
Secured and Unsecured
Fixed and Variable
Short-term and Long-term
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Where can you typically find details about the specific nature of a company's borrowings (secured vs. unsecured)?
Only on the balance sheet
Only in the associated notes
Both on the balance sheet and in the associated notes
In the company's press releases
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What is the recommended approach for projecting a company's future debt?
Always assume debt will remain constant
Use complex statistical models
Understand management's CAPEX plans and guidelines
Base projections solely on historical trends
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How is the average loan outstanding calculated?
By averaging the opening balance of secured and unsecured loans
By averaging the closing balance of secured and unsecured loans
By averaging the opening and closing balances of both secured and unsecured loans
By adding the opening and closing balances of both secured and unsecured loans
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According to the text, what is a potential consequence of keeping debt levels constant in financial projections?
The valuation may become overly optimistic
The valuation may become slightly conservative
The interest expense will be significantly underestimated
The company's profitability will be overstated
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