What are the three main valuation techniques used in finance?
Relative Valuation, Option-Based Valuation, Discounted Cash Flow Analysis
Fundamental Analysis, Technical Analysis, Sentiment Analysis
Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, Hybrid Analysis
Top-Down Analysis, Bottom-Up Analysis, Comparative Analysis
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What does 'Enterprise Value' refer to in the context of company valuation?
The total value of the company's assets, representing the value of the entire firm
The market capitalization of the company, reflecting the value of its outstanding shares
The book value of the company's assets, as recorded on its balance sheet
The net income of the company, representing its profitability
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What is the key difference between Free Cash Flow to the Firm (FCFF) and Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE)?
FCFF represents cash flow available to all investors (debt and equity holders), while FCFE represents cash flow available only to equity holders
FCFF is calculated before interest payments, while FCFE is calculated after interest payments
FCFF is used for valuing the entire company, while FCFE is used for valuing individual projects
FCFF is based on net income, while FCFE is based on operating cash flow
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What is the 'Effective Cost of Debt'?
The cost of debt after considering the tax shield benefit, reflecting the reduced cost due to tax deductibility of interest payments
The actual interest rate paid on outstanding debt, without considering any tax implications
The cost of debt adjusted for inflation, reflecting the real cost of borrowing
The cost of debt relative to the company's equity, indicating the debt-to-equity ratio
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What is the 'Terminal Value' in the context of Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) analysis?
The estimated value of the company's cash flows beyond the explicit forecast period, often calculated using a perpetuity growth model
The final year of the explicit forecast period in a DCF model, representing the last year of detailed projections
The present value of all future cash flows in a DCF model, representing the total value of the company
The discount rate used to calculate the present value of future cash flows in a DCF model
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