How is the expected return of a portfolio calculated?
Sum of individual stock returns divided by the number of stocks
Average return of the stock with the highest weight
Sum of each stock's average return multiplied by its weight and the number of trading days
Daily return of the portfolio multiplied by the number of trading days
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What does the portfolio variance tell us?
The average return of the portfolio
The risk associated with the portfolio
The number of stocks in the portfolio
The weight of the stock with the highest return
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How is the daily variance of a portfolio converted to annualized variance?
Multiplying it by 252
Dividing it by the square root of 252
Multiplying it by the square root of 252
Adding 252 to the daily variance
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What is the confidence level associated with one standard deviation away from the expected return?
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How do we calculate the range of a portfolio's expected return with 95% confidence?
Add and subtract one standard deviation from the expected return
Add and subtract two standard deviations from the expected return
Add and subtract three standard deviations from the expected return
Multiply the expected return by 95%
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