What type of event is characterized by a very low probability of occurrence?

What can investors use to estimate the worst-case loss in their portfolio if a Black Swan event were to occur?

According to normal distribution theory, what percentage of data lies within two standard deviations?

What does Value at Risk (VaR) help investors understand about their portfolio?

What is the term for the average of the last 5% of observations in a sorted dataset when calculating Value at Risk?

What type of economic event occurred in the United States during the 1970s?

What was the name given to the day in October 1987 when the Dow Jones Industrial Average experienced its largest single-day percentage drop?

What new type of financial professional emerged in response to the market crash of 1987?

What type of report did Dennis Weatherstone, CEO of JP Morgan, commission to assess the firm's overall risk?

What company was spun off from JP Morgan to provide risk management services and data to other financial institutions?