What is the tendency to feel more psychological pain from losses than satisfaction from gains of the same size called?

Which of the following cognitive biases can lead investors to overestimate their ability to pick winning investments?

What is the term used to describe how the way information is presented can influence investment decisions, even if the underlying facts remain the same?

Which cognitive bias can lead investors to believe they could have easily predicted past market events, even though those events were inherently uncertain?

What behavioral finance concept describes the tendency to favor avoiding losses over taking risks, even when the potential rewards are higher?

Which of the following biases can cause investors to hold onto losing investments for too long, even when selling might be a better financial decision?

What is the term used to describe the tendency to base investment decisions on how easily examples come to mind, rather than on a comprehensive analysis?

What is the tendency to place undue weight on recent market events and underestimate the importance of historical trends called?

Which cognitive bias can lead investors to judge an investment opportunity favorably simply because it shares characteristics with a previous successful investment?